Does Your Vehicle Require Automotive Key Programming?

A hand holding a key fob inside a vehicle.

Turn to Fort Collins’ Trusted Specialty Locksmith for Key Programming

Sometimes, the little things in life can make the biggest difference. Yes, at LockSafe Systems, we provide complete smart home automation, turnkey security systems, and much more. However, we’ve also been helping our many clients with 24/7 automotive services, including their emergency locksmith needs like programming chip keys and remotes. For over 50 years, we have been the trusted locksmith in Fort Collins, CO, there at a moment’s notice when an emergency strikes, and always ready to create a secure home, business, and vehicle. 

Let’s explore one of our popular services we rarely discuss, automotive key programming, and what it entails.

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The First Microchip Keys

Many of you may not remember, but there was a time when people put a standard key into a car’s ignition, turned it, and the car’s engine roared to life. Unfortunately, these easy-to-start cars were also easy to steal, with hot-wiring techniques growing in the 80s. In response, General Motors created chip keys in 1985 by adding a security measure. These keys are equipped with a radio frequency identification chip that renders hot-wiring ineffective.

These keys made it harder to steal your car… but also harder to start it if you lost them. That’s where automotive key programming comes in.

Vehicle Key Programming

First, because of the current technology, we always recommend having a spare key on hand. However, many of our clients find themselves unexpectedly losing their keys and either without a replacement or unable to obtain their spare in an emergency. 

Automotive key programming involves reprogramming a blank chip and putting it into a new car key, matching your current vehicle settings. Keys that need programming include transponder car keys and smart key fobs. Transponder keys require special software to clone a specific cut and program the key to communicate with the car. 

Locksmiths also program smart key fobs, usually at a fraction of the dealership’s price. Sometimes, just replacing a dying battery can result in the car not recognizing your fob, which is fortunately also resolved with programming. 

Turn to a Specialist

In order to get a key replacement, it’s best to seek the services of a specialist locksmith. Those that offer automotive key programming services have the equipment necessary to reprogram chips to perfectly match your car’s settings and have access to the dealership’s and manufacturer’s pin codes required to meet specifications. 

At LockSafe Systems, we have the technology required to replace and repair your car keys, no matter where you are. As your trusted locksmith serving Fort Collins and the surrounding area, individuals and businesses have turned to our 24/7 services time and again. Whether you’re unexpectedly locked out of your car, home, or business, we have the tools and skills to get you on the road again or back into your establishment or home in record time. 

To learn about automotive key programming or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact LockSafe Systems today.