Enhance Security with a Commercial Access Control System

a person scanning their phone at an access control scanner in a commercial building.

Enjoy the convenience and flexibility of access control in your commercial space

Are you looking to upgrade your commercial security system? Consider adding access control! Access control systems allow you to grant or restrict access to employees, visitors, and guests based on the credentials you set. The credentials can be PIN codes, mobile phones, keycards, or even biometrics.

It’s a more advanced commercial security solution that helps you move away from conventional lock and key entry methods. Read on to discover the convenience and flexibility of a commercial access control system at your Fort Collins, CO, building.

SEE ALSO: Make Security Management Easier with an Access Control Installation

1. A Foolproof System Against Security Breaches

An access control system is far more secure than lock and key systems. For instance, if a user ends up losing their key, an unscrupulous person could find it and gain entry to your building. However, with access control, the keycards can be immediately deactivated if they are lost or stolen.

Also, in the case of biometric access control, there’s even less chance of a security breach. The system grants access to authorized individuals by scanning their fingerprints, eyes, and faces. All unwanted visitors will not gain access to your commercial space.

2. Convenient Solutions for Employees

With traditional lock systems, sometimes employees need to wait for someone to open the door for them if they arrive early or lock up everything before leaving after a late night at work. But such problems don’t exist with access control systems. All your workers have the freedom to enter and exit the building at their convenience. When they provide the correct credentials, the doors grant them access, and there isn’t any need to lock them as they all have automated locks.

3. Protect Sensitive Areas by Restricting Access

Your commercial access control system can be used in multiple areas of your building. For instance, the main entrance gives all employees or visitors access. However, specific rooms or areas containing sensitive information can have a higher level of security. You can restrict access to all, except for a select few employees.

4. Incorporate Specialized Parameters

Program your access control system so workers or visitors can enter the facility at specific times or days. The system gives you the flexibility to control the flow of people entering your facility. By using your computer or phone, it’s easy to change settings too.  

5. Keep Tabs on Employee Activity

More than simply a way to permit or deny access to your building, access control also automatically records the identity of people and the times they enter a space. You can monitor the attendance, and the information can be valuable in case of incidents, theft, or general record-keepingAdd a commercial access control system to your Fort Collins, CO, building today to enhance commercial security. LockSafe Systems has been in the business for over 50 years. Call us at (970) 484-4375 or fill out an easy online contact form to get in touch.