Sargent Locksets: The Industry Leader in the First Line of Defense

Discover the Difference Commercial Locks Make in Securing Your Business

In the ever-changing world of commercial security, it’s easy to forget about the first line of defense and one of the most critical devices that protect your staff, customers, and assets. So ubiquitous is it in our daily lives that it goes unnoticed, though we’re in touch with it far more than high-tech security cameras and alarms. 

Imagine when someone with ill intent walks up to your business. What’s the first thing they do? Check to see if your door’s locked. And what does the lock tell them? If it’s standard, similar to residential locks, it suggests a business that doesn’t prioritize security. If it’s a hardcore commercial lock, it lets them know you mean business when it comes to protecting what matters most. 

At LockSafe Systems, we’ve been protecting businesses for over 50 years. While much of the security landscape has transformed, one of the companies that have stayed true to their roots is our partner, Sargent. Since 1810, they’ve been manufacturing Sargent Locksets, now recognized for their superior craftsmanship and capabilities and a leader in door hardware solutions. 

Let’s explore the benefits these locks offer your Fort Collins, CO, business. 

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The Industry Leader

By partnering with a brand like Sargent, we know we’re providing our clients with the most innovative and superior hardware on the market, ensuring the highest level of protection. Their commercial door locks are designed for heavy-duty use and possess security features that offer resistance against unauthorized entry and vandalism. 

For instance, the 10X Line Bored Lock is engineered to secure high-traffic areas. Not only does it meet the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) Grade 1 performance standards for strength and security, but it also exceeds them by about 20 times. In fact, it prevents entry against over 3,100 in-lb. locked lever torque. You’re assured a lock that can resist pry bar attacks at 1,600 lbs.

The company is also committed to sustainability, creating door locks that are eco-friendly by using sustainable, non-toxic, recyclable materials. 

The Importance of High-Quality Locks

High-quality locks are designed to resist drilling, brute force, picking, and other methods of forced entry. From their internal mechanisms to the use of hardened materials such as brass and steel, these are the epitome of reliability and durability.

Unlike conventional keys that can be copied at a lock key cutting service, these high-security locks often need a security card and require an authorized locksmith or dealer to make the key. This minimizes the risk of malicious key duplication, which can result in significant loss. 

Working with a Local Leader

Are you ready to secure your business and optimize the first line of defense against intrusion? At LockSafe Systems, we offer turnkey solutions for all security products, from doors, frames, and hardware to access control, alarm systems, and security cameras. Our all-in-one solutions ensure compatibility, scalability, and security you can count on. To learn more about Sargent Locksets or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact LockSafe Systems today.