Sophisticated Surveillance from Your Fort Collins Locksmith

Discover How We Combine High-Tech and Traditional Techniques to Ensure Your Company’s Security

LockSafe Systems is your trusted Fort Collins Locksmith, and we’ve been around since 1970 making your commercial properties run smoothly. From installing safes and alarms for your opening day to helping you get back into the truck after locking the keys inside, our team has been here for you every step of the way.

Our highly trained employees are dedicated to keeping you and your business safe by installing and supporting both high-tech and traditional systems. Today’s security requires network connectivity and advanced surveillance to thwart an array of threats.

Are you curious about what LockSafe Systems can do to keep your Colorado business safe and secure? Continue reading below to learn more. 

SEE ALSO: The Importance of Commercial Door Hardware as The First Line of Defense

Proactive Prevention

Keeping an eye on your facility and employees mandates more than a one-size-fits-all solution. For example, you can avoid blind spots behind shelves or loading docks with wide-angle surveillance cameras featuring a zoom feature. A few taps of a finger on the security dashboard will let you rewind, replay, and pause footage, then zoom in to investigate specific details. You can cover every angle of your property with the right security tools from LockSafe Systems.

Instead of waiting for an incident to happen, a camera system can alert you to potential issues before they ever become a major incident. Anomaly detection software recognizes activities and gatherings with a high probability of being troublesome. Once detected, you and the remote monitoring station are alerted and can dispatch law enforcement if needed to address the situation.

Other cutting-edge software features include facial recognition and license plate identification. These tools allow you to automate access control, track potential troublemakers, and follow sensitive product packaging as it moves throughout your facility. Our bespoke security solutions are crafted specifically for your business needs, so if you have a safety concern, our team can address it! 

Reliable Resolution

You may think that your older analog systems and consumer-grade components are sufficient. Unfortunately, these units tend to degrade in quality over time and are often not built to withstand outdoor elements like wind, rain, sun, and debris. To precisely identify activity on your property, you need high-definition video quality and top-performing materials built to last. 

Commercial-grade surveillance cameras offer live streaming with ultra-high-definition detail that lets you read printed materials and name tags in your surveillance footage. If an incident on your property occurs, you can share this high-quality footage with law enforcement to successfully pursue and capture offenders.

Make Safety Your Bottom Line

Keeping your business profitable and running well is the ultimate goal. Are you ready to install a system that will serve you for years to come? Call us at 970-484-4375 or fill out our contact form to start a conversation!