How Businesses Protect Vehicle Fleets With Car Remote Solutions

A line of black cars.

LockSafe Systems is Your Resource For Advanced Car Remotes

When holding a car remote, it’s hard to envision the amount of security encapsulated in that one tiny device. Today’s car remotes, also known as key fobs, have become essential to automotive security. In the early days, these small devices were considered a convenience and nothing more—they helped lock and unlock your car, and that was all. But modern technology has evolved, and today’s car remotes boost vehicle safety and help businesses protect the entire vehicle fleet.

Continue reading to learn more about the security features of today’s car remotes and how they can help protect your vehicle fleet in Fort Collins, CO.

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Overcoming Security Vulnerabilities

When upgrading your vehicle fleet, ensure you receive key fobs with the most advanced security features. Standard car remotes have many vulnerabilities that can pose security risks. Some of these risks include the following: 

  • Signal interception – older car remotes rely on a fixed code system, which means the remote uses the same code every time it’s used. When these codes are intercepted, they can be used to unlock the vehicle later. 
  • Relay attacks – for this more sophisticated type of attack, a thief will use two devices to extend the range of the remote, tricking the car into thinking the key fob is close by when it’s not.
  • Limited Range and Functionality – older remotes may limit the range of the signal. This limitation may be a security risk if the user is locking the vehicle while walking away and doesn’t realize they’re out of range.

Benefits for Commercial Businesses

If your business has a vehicle fleet, here are some ways you can benefit from investing in advanced car remotes.

  • Improved Technology: Advanced remotes use rolling code technology, which means the security code will change every time it’s used. This security makes interception difficult, as the code cannot be replicated for vehicle access.
  • Tracking and Management: Advanced car remote systems can come with integrated tracking and management features that provide real-time data regarding the location and status of each vehicle. When you’re overseeing a fleet of cars, this feature is invaluable.
  • Customization and Control: Similar to access controls within the business, access controls can also be extended to vehicles. Car remote systems can be customized to grant access only to specific vehicles, further enhancing control over the fleet. 

Implementing Car Remote Solutions

Is it time to upgrade your car remotes? Implementing new solutions is a straightforward process that LockSafe Systems can assist with. It begins with understanding the specific needs of your business and selecting the correct type of technology for your fleet.
For businesses investing in car remote solutions in the Fort Collins, CO, area, LockSafe Systems is committed to helping you find the best car remote solutions tailored to your business needs. Contact us for more information on how we can help secure your commercial vehicles.